
Mercury square saturn and mercury trine uranus
Mercury square saturn and mercury trine uranus

mercury square saturn and mercury trine uranus

Proper nutrition for your brain may be important, or it could be you need to allow more time for rest and relaxation at regular intervals. Seeking solitude in our unconscious realms allows for creative expressions. This transit symbolizes the need to become more conscious about your mental energy levels and ability to process all the information coming at you. Throughout the week we shift from the dreamy world of Pisces to the fast and furious Aries, slow and stable Taurus, and end in quick witted Gemini. Sometimes we must make the executive decision to abandon a project, job, way of being or thinking for the betterment of our soul growth and the growth of those around us. Generally speaking, astrologers allow for 9-degrees of margin on each side of that 120-degree seaparation, so if Mercury and Uranus are separated by 111-degrees. (Venus and Jupiter), Sun, Moon and Mercury, whilst sextile or trine from Mars, Uranus, Saturn. The first decan of Pisces is associated with the tarot card the 8 of cups, King of cups, and the Page of swords. trine Venus transit 10 Dec Jupiter square Sun transit. Mercury Trine Saturn Mercury Opposite Saturn.


Pisces season teaches us how to live in accordance with our own personal relationship to the divine. Mercury Square Uranus JSun Opposite Pluto JMars Opposite Saturn JMenu. Chiron Mercury: Trine Every artist is linked to a mistake with which he has a. The Moon is now waxing towards her first quarter square with the Sun, and we navigate through the darkness of the night, finding illumination from within. Sun Square Chiron Synastry In astrology, the Sun represents our ego. This week the Sun travels through the first decan of Pisces, bringing up themes of transition, acceptance of circumstances and forgiveness. Sun = 1° 24’ Pisces > 8° 27’ Pisces Moon = Pisces > Gemini

Mercury square saturn and mercury trine uranus